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Amid the sobriety and sleep | 在醒與眠之間

I place myself in a room, the walls are deadly sealed, as if afraid of the interior air being contaminated.

I will never draw the curtain to peek at the world outside, I don’t give a shit on the groundless talk outside, the harsh languages are extremely sharp and cold under the exposure of warm sunlight; Ok! Back to my own room and exclude everything out from my room! Let the interior light illuminate my skin. When the night falls, outside sunlight has faded into dust, but not to the light inside; the darkness could only stay at the window sill, looking for the chance to break in. As time pass, the interchange pace between day and night has been stripped off from my consciousness.

The mechanical system of the corporeal body again reminds me it’s time to sleep, however, my soul is persistently resisting the order.

The tug between the antagonists in the world of duality is searching for peace of mind, within the imbalance of undercurrent.

Therefore, I have to keep my eyes open, just to witness the arrival of peace.

Perhaps, it is when the sun and moon coexist.


我獨自身在房間裡, 四面牆壁都密封的死死的, 深怕室內的空氣會被污染.

我不再撥開窗簾窺探外面的世界, 我不屑外面的閒言冷語, 尖銳的言語在暖和的陽光照耀下特別彰顯; 我乾脆回頭躲在房間裡, 把一切都排除在外, 讓室內的燈光照耀我的肌膚. 每當夜幕降臨, 外頭的陽光已經散去, 室內的光線依然不滅; 魆黑只能靜待在窗邊, 等候潛入的機會.久而久之, 日夜交替的節奏已經從我的意識抹去.

身體的機械性機制再三提醒我是時候睡覺了, 然而我的靈魂卻在頑固的在抵抗.

在二元共存的世界裡, 兩者相互拉扯, 祈求在不平衡的洶湧裡尋獲平息的安寧.

於是, 我要繼續睜開眼睛, 親眼見證安寧的來臨.

也許, 是當太陽與月亮共存的時候.

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